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ZhongXiaoLi, JiangXi Provincial Senior Industrial Artist, graduated from JingDeZen CeramicInstitute and got bachelor’s degree. she later made an advanced study in Chinese Painting Department, Central Art Institute.She had been a pupil of the famous chinese artist,Ding shibi. As a member of Chinese Artist Association, her name has been recorded in Cinese ContemporaryTalented Artists And Their Masterpieces Dictionary.
Her works, Beauty has won five times national prizes and four times provincial prizes. Another works, Hurb, has got golden medal in JiangXi Province and been kept by Chinese Art Gallery. She was ever invited to hold individual exhibition in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, and has become very popular in Collection World in South-east Asia.
ZhongXiaoLi, JiangXi Provincial Senior Industrial Artist, graduated from JingDeZen CeramicInstitute and got bachelor’s degree. she later made an advanced study in Chinese Painting Department, Central Art Institute.She had been a pupil of the famous chinese artist,Ding shibi. As a member of Chinese Artist Association, her name has been recorded in Cinese ContemporaryTalented Artists And Their Masterpieces Dictionary.
Her works, Beauty has won five times national prizes and four times provincial prizes. Another works, Hurb, has got golden medal in JiangXi Province and been kept by Chinese Art Gallery. She was ever invited to hold individual exhibition in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, and has become very popular in Collection World in South-east Asia.
- 中文
- English
1965年 | 生于景德镇;
1999年 | 毕业于景德镇市陶瓷学院;
2003年 | 深造中央美术学院;
2006年 | 个人出版《景德镇当代陶瓷名家作品集》;
2008年 | 论文《略谈瓷绘人物画的艺术格调》发表于2008年第一期陶瓷研究杂志;
作品《十二金钗》荣获中国工艺美术大师精品“金奖”; 作品《仕女》在全国“海丝杯”美术陶瓷作品展评中荣获“金奖”; 作品《仕女》在全国“金凤凰”创新作品设计大赛中获得“银奖”; 作品《牧归图》在江西省工艺美术大奖赛荣获“金奖”; 作品《仕女》在全国“金旺佰式杯”美术陶瓷作品展中荣获“银奖”; |
2009年 | 在浙江杭州举办艺术陶瓷“国际论坛”;
作品《花样年华》在当代国际陶艺展示并获得好评; 作品《牧归图》被江西省博物馆收藏; 作品《花样年华》在第十届工艺美术大师作品展暨国际艺术精品展评荣获“金奖”; 作品《风雨牧牛》在全国“金凤凰”创新作品设计大赛中获得“银奖”; |
2010年 | 作品《仕女》被首都博物馆永久收藏;
作品《寒江独钓》在第三届中国工艺美术作品设计大赛中荣获“金奖”; 论文《浅谈中国工笔仕女绘画之“六法”》发表具有影响力刊物《中国工艺美术》杂志2012第一期; |
2011年 | 五月,作品色釉瓷板《超级女声》获外观设计专利;
向景德镇市社会福利中心奉献爱心捐赠优秀瓷器作品; 十月,向革命老区教育事业捐赠《牧牛图》陶瓷艺术作品; |
2012年 | 论文《浅谈山水画创作》发表具有影响力刊物《中国工艺美术》杂志2012第一期;